Monday, 21 November 2011

Nicki Minaj-Fly

Let me start this Post by saying Nicki totally rocks in the FLY music video. well of course, Rihanna does look good but she was less noticeable.
Not so much a fan of Nicki's fashion. But her boldness and courage made me rethink my whole concept for the Entourage (for Our WEdding). Since, they will be composed of Sisters and Girl Cousins I decided to make everything a little bit dramatic.....

The main elements where I get inspiration from in terms of design, concept are: A bit of the Vintage feel, Quirky and much like Alice in Wonderland.  I wish to use shades of blue, ivory and blush pink hues. 

Here is Rihanna and the other dresses Nicki wore for the Video...

Photos taken from

I will soon be posting the scanned sketches done my Me and my Sister.

Getting Married..Style in Progress

Just recently, I have come to the conclusion that getting married involves the same amount of work as deciding when you do. True, this can be the Most Exciting day in a woman's life but this can also be the opposite. Don't get me wrong, I am not being cynical. I speak from personal experience actually. Trying to contain the excitement inside gets the best of me. At this point, I could not keep things to myself so I tend to share and become diarrheal (IN WORDS). 

There is a lesson to learn I guess. Careful who you share your happy thoughts with. Not everyone can be as accommodating and jolly-ful. 

Oh well, Keep Moving Forward. They are after-all, not the ones to be married soon. I AM. Dennis and I are. 

Post ideas soon. Ciao!